23 July 2012

outtakes…...just because


just because……


everyone picked their own clothing and got dressed by themselves for church on Sunday morning with zero whining, bickering, fussing, or complaining


just because……


it’s really great photography when your camera focuses on the pitiful bay leaf tree between the subjects as opposed to the ever-so-handsome subjects in the picture


just because……


I wanted to learn how to use the timer on my camera before we go on vacation just in case I can’t find a willing stranger on the beach to take our family pictures

{thanks Remington for photo-bombing this one}


just because…..


it makes for more really great photography when you sit on top of your child in a really awkward pose

{you again Remington!}


just because……


we finally did achieve a half decent snapshot {on the timer}, we had fun doing it, and I wanted to see who really still does read this blog

14 July 2012

waterpark fun for everyone




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04 July 2012

Four generations together for the Fourth of July!

The pictures can speak for themselves as to how we spent our Independence Day!

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  Oh the nostalgia……the life vests that the boys are wearing are the very same life vests that my brother and I wore 25+ years ago doing this very same thing!