11 July 2008

Harley's Swimming Lessons

Harley started a two week session of swimming lessons at our local YWCA this past Monday. He wasn't thrilled in the beginning. Refused to even put his feet in the pool and said he didn't care if he ever went back to his Aunt Tracy's swimming pool, so long as he didn't have to take swimming lessons. He quickly warmed up to the idea after minimal peer pressure from his friend, Drew. I also think he likes the cute, young lifeguard in the red two-piece that holds him tight and takes him around the pool :) As of today, he goes under water, floats on his back, and jumps to his teacher in the deep end. One more week, then what?? Do we sign up for another session or is he swimming like a fish??? Who knows??

Cody is not thrilled about the lessons either...for a much different reason though. He is ready to jump in without assistance in the deep end right NOW!! NO FEAR!! It is hot and not so fun to him just to watch. He will get his turn next summer.


  1. Yay, you did it! I wonder if Brayden would warm up the way Harley did. I know Baylee would.

  2. Yeah! Welcome to the world of blogging. Love the layout. Can't believe how much the boys are growing and how much Harley has changed. Miss u guys. Hopefully we can get together next time we are in town.

    Love ya
