28 September 2008

cooler temps. park play. fall. football. friends. LSU Tigers. long post. Saturday. New Orleans Saints. work.

Way to geaux Tigers, way to geaux!!


Before dropping my boys off at my mother-in-law's house and heading to Tiger Stadium for a little tailgating fun, I took Buck-a-roo and Frank-o to breakfast at "Hot-Donald's" (Frank-o has finally learned how to navigate his way back DOWN the nasty, disgusting, rotten-ketchup-smelling jungle gym thing so that I don't have to make my way up there to fetch him out) and then we met our friends at the city park. It was out first trip there and and it was great fun!!
Buck-a-roo & Frank-o swinging
Twins, Brooke & Jake, swinging and "getting" each other
You can see all of our pictures from the park by clicking here


Then, it was off to Tiger Stadium for some tailgating.....food, friends, fun!!
I, first, met up with the two nurse practitioners, Anne and Lisa, that I worked for when I lived in Jackson, MS. They were in town because it was the LSU-MS State game.

Then, I met up with some of my friends (Jacob & Mandi and Lindsey) from work at OLOL.

Then, Daddy Buck met me at the game where we watched the Tigers beat the Bulldogs, 34-24!! So sad...Missy, Richard, Lisa :(


The Vaughn family is loving us some FALL weather. I saw where our highs for Wednesday and Thursday of this week are in the upper 70s to 80 degrees. Almost time to break out the long-sleeve t-shirts, our favorites!! My neighbors are putting purple and gold mums in the ground as I type....I am super jealous that they beat me to the punch.


It's back to work for me tomorrow, finally, after missing an entire week. After getting new antibiotic eye drops on Friday, I think my eye infection is finally clearing up.


Who dat beat up on the San Francisco 49ers today?? The New Orleans Saints!! WooHoo!! 31-17!! Go Saints!!


Have a great week!! Going to ponder "Not Me" Monday for tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I love that pic of mike the tiger did you take that?
