24 November 2008

"Not Me!" Monday


I DID NOT, in an effort to be completely organized and prepared, all last week maintain a running grocery list of items needed to prepare Thanksgiving dinner and then forgot the list at home yesterday when I was grocery shopping. I, then, DID NOT phone home to Daddy Buck to read the list aloud to refresh my memory (though, might I say, I had done well already without the list) only to find that he WAS, most certainly, NOT napping with the boys and in too much of a dazed state upon answering the phone to actually read me anything that sounded remotely close to a grocery list.

I AM NOT so anxious/inpatient about the upcoming holidays that I christmas-tized my blog the week before Thanksgiving!!


On Monday while Daddy Buck and I enjoyed a day off of work together, we embarked on a friendly best of three bowling compeition where Daddy Buck won 2 games to 1 (only winning by a small margin of 4 pins in game 3) and he DID NOT exit the bowling alley through the double front doors announcing at the top of his lungs, "I'm the Champion of the World!!!" Really, you beat your amateur-at-best and "haven't bowled in 3+ years" wife at a best of 3 bowling match where you ulitimately had luck on your side..."Champion of the World" seems a little much.

I HAVE NOT acquired Daddy Buck's negotiating skills so much that while we were in New Orleans on Tuesday, I negotiated with a street vendor to purchase a fleur-de-lis wooden painting and was able to get him to come down from his original price by 55%.

*cell phone pic w/ poor lighting doesn't do it justice :(

Daddy Buck and I DID NOT forget to bring the dogs indoors one night this week only to wake the next morning to find the 1st frost of the year on the ground and that the temperatures had plummeted to 33 degrees during the night. We are excellent pet caretakers and would NEVER do anything of this sort.


  1. Great Not Me's. Happy Holidays!!

  2. I am not totally loving your background to your blog. I also have not ever left the dogs outside when it is freezing, nope never.
    Found you through MckMama!!!
