Buck-a-roo also provided our Saturday evening entertainment....he really enjoys for me to put the TV on the country music digital channel and he dances/sings his heart out (TV remote control microphone and all). The picture below is his grand finale!!
Might I also note that it was a hard-fought, UGLY win; but, a win nonetheless, for the LSU Tigers on Saturday night.
On Sunday, we had a birthday party for our neighbor, Drew. It was a bowling party and the boys had a blast. Daddy Buck and I were so jealous that the kids got to bowl, that we took time out of our vacation day this afternoon and went bowling. We had a blast too!! I believe that bowling will be our new rainy day, winter time, indoor family activity!!
Finally, on Sunday evening we went to Daddy Buck's sister's house for a family get-together, including Daddy Buck's uncle/aunt that traveled way down here to the deep South all the way from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It was an evening of family, fun, hamburger/hot dogs, bicycles, and scooters.
Daddy Buck and I are both off on Monday and Tuesday....hopefully I will post about our two fun-filled days later in the week!! On tap....Christmas shopping, bowling (as I already mentioned), breakfast/lunch dates, mid-afternoon naps, and a trip to New Orleans!!!
Talk about playing favorites.....I NEVER see pictures of Mawmaw.....just Papa Cody.