26 January 2009

Mosaic Monday

Once again, it's Monday and time for Mosaic Monday. Head on over to Simple Shutter for the rules and to view other mosaics.

This week's theme.....husbands.

1. Daddy Buck with his most favorite person in the whole wide world!!

2. Daddy Buck and his #2 and #3 fav people in the whole wide world.

Ok, Ok...so I know that his head is cropped off, but it was somewhat intentional, so that I could crop into the picture the fact that Daddy Buck will do just about anything and his boys will "monkey see, monkey do" just about anything that he does. Please do note that we live in the deep south and this picture of my boys in their shorts and leather boots was taken in the dog-days of summer with at least 120% humidity.

3. Daddy Buck with the person that gives my a run for my money for being the #1 fav...his Uncle Tim. Don't they look alike??

4. Daddy Buck speaking to an auditorium full of 200+ Pre-K4 to 2nd graders for a Veteran's Day program at his mother's elementary school. You will not find a more loyal, patriotic, passionate American citizen that role models the importance of patriotism to others daily.

5. After patriotism, Daddy Buck's next greatest characteristic is...a love for life, all life. I'm telling you, the man can't even stand to see a plant go without water. This is a picture of him admiring the marine life of the shark tank at the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans.

6. I am not one to write sappy, tear-jerker posts on my blog; I prefer to keep it more light-hearted and humorous (how's that working for me?), so I won't start now. But, what I will say is that Daddy Buck is definitely a man that has devoted his life to improving the lives of others. He did exactly that when he entered the military in 1993 and continues to do that by working tirelessly for our family day in and day out.


  1. Hey there!

    Love the Mosiac Monday! Haven't seen one of those yet. Your boys are so cute. I know they must keep you on your toes!

    Thanks for the comment earlier! Just an FYI, the 1st installment of our New Orleans trip was just posted. Hop on over and see what we did Day One. Hope to have Day Two up in another day or two.

  2. You do have a keeper! Great mosiac.

    Hope ya'll had a great weekend!


  3. Nice job on this one!!!

    Have a great week!

    Love and Prayers,

