02 March 2009

Bring it on!!

Yesterday, Buck-a-roo said bring it on to the idea of riding his bicycle without training wheels. He gave it several excellent attempts and ran his dad up and down the sidewalk for all he was worth. Maybe he will have it mastered by Friday when he turns FOUR!!

Today, I said bring it on to Spring by decorating our house with touches of bright colors, spring decor, and Easter what-nots. And, yesterday....Daddy Buck planted many bulbs in our flowerbeds, daylily, amarylis, and iris that should be blooming just in time for Spring.


  1. Go Buck a Roo! You da man!


  2. Alright, now you've gone and gotten all fancy in the collages by using the Spring colored photo borders. How in the world did you do that?

    I guess I was paying NO attention when I put together the ONE collage I've done so far. It's a sad state of affairs over here. Just sad.

    But everything looks so nice and Springy over your way! Good job.

  3. Good night! Two wheeling it already? I didn't do that 'til I was seven. (I still have a scar haha)I guess that's his "Harley" (haha) side coming out. It seems like Harley is a lot less shy at home! Then again, we only see him, what three times a year? I still remember when I took Cody on the carousel again...and again...and again...and again...and again. Cody was the one who wanted to in the first place, but I think I was the one having the most fun!
