09 October 2009

what was I thinking?

Last night….(right at bedtime, following bathtime, after the boys and I had been to dinner with some friends at a pizza/arcade joint) I get the great {storybook} idea that the boys should help me stuff their treat bags for the friends in their respective preschool classes for their upcoming Halloween party. 

So, I gathered the 7 items to be placed into the 40 treat bags and positioned them into 3 stations (one station for each of us……  that’s right, Daddy Buck missed out on this family fun……  I’m certain he was devastated)


It began as a valiant effort on everyone’s part and was good, wholesome, family fun {in theory} for about 15 minutes (or through about a 1/3 of the goal, ?remember?, 40 treat bags)


For a brief few moments, it turned into whoa hey hello yoohoo overhereboys notfinishedyet.


Somehow, we gathered our composure again to finish the task at hand.


40 Halloween treat bags

stuffed with: puzzles, pencils, straws, stickers, temporary tattoos, rings, and candy

2 Mommy hands, 4 kid hands working diligently nonchalantly

1 hour time, 1 hour past bedtime

memories to last a lifetime


And fell fast asleep with the leftover loot in hand…………

Lesson Learned???


I need {much} more practice at photographing in the dark with no flash!!!!!


  1. put it on P, with WB on cloudy, and ISO on 800 or 1600 if your camera goes that high :)
    that should help

  2. Sleeping children pictures are great, blurry or not!
