01 November 2009

Sights of {Halloween} Night


This Halloween, it was the Vaughn Boys to the rescue for trick-or-treat night, as they were dressed in costume as a police officer and a firefighter.

I present to you…….Police Sergeant Buck-a-roo and Fire Chief Frank-o 


For this, the third consecutive year, Daddy Buck pulled our trailer behind his four-wheeler as our boys, as well as, two neighborhood families’ trick-or-treated through our neighborhood.


The same garage of a house in our neighborhood has been decorated in a somewhat haunted manner each year and for the past two years, Buck-a-roo and Frank-o have left that house screaming and flailing as if they had seen the Chainsaw Massacre himself. 

This year, however, we made progress.  Progress as in the difference in a trick-or-treater receiving a yellow-wrapped hard butterscotch and starlight mint or a nicely wrapped versus a tied with ribbon baggie of Snickers, Tootsie Rolls, and Blow Pop!! You know what I’m saying…….big difference, huge strides!!  The two of them actually entered the garage, lingered around a bit, and left excited that they had done it! 


The four of us and our fantastic neighbors had a fabulous night capped off by sausage/hot dogs atop the fire pit grill and the children consuming any and all candy that they could “open for themselves” as declared by me!



  1. You let them eat ALL they could open? You're a nicer Mom than me! I didn't realize the boy's fireman costume was exactly the same!

  2. I'm really enjoying your writing and photography. I'm a new follower!!
