12 August 2010

and away he goes to Kindergarten

what happened to this sweet 6month old?


                                    {late summer 2005}

what happened to this smiling 18month old?


                                    {late summer 2006}

what happened to this precious 2year old?


                         {late summer 2007}

what happened to this spirited 3year old?


                         {late summer 2008}

what happened to this handsome 4year old?


                         {late summer 2009}

He’s all grown up!  Or at least it seemed that way when my 5year old put on his uniform this morning for his 1st day of Kindergarten. 

His options are white polo or navy polo and today he chose…..white!!


This morning, Daddy Buck and I brought him to his old, if you will, daycare where he’ll have breakfast (before care)everyday with his brother before getting on the schoolbus to head to school. 



He climbed on the bus and took a seat and I, well…..

I kinda, mighta, maybe sorta lost it!


I had to quickly pull myself together because his fabulous bus driver insisted that each Kindergartener turn back around to their mothers for one last picture and wave.

He obliged…..

Nevermind that my camera lens was completely fogged over since the humidity was a mere 87% this morning!


I then hopped in my car and blazed a path to school ahead of the bus so I could intercept him getting off the bus and take him to his classroom. 

He was a bit more nervous exiting the bus with the swarms of over-enthusiastic, loud, rambunctious middle schoolers; but his contentment returned upon arriving to his homeroom. 


This where he found his hook for his packpack, identified his cubby for his school supplies, and took his seat and promptly began coloring his schoolwork that the teacher had laid out.


This Mom has been on the verge of tears all day, waiting on pins and needles for 3:00pm, and super proud of her eldest son today!


  1. Oh girl..he is such a big boy. I'm crying for you. I can't begin to imagine how bittersweet today has been for you.


    I can't wait to hear all about his first day.

  2. Glad I'm not the only Momma who zoomed ahead to the school! I left work over lunch to see him at daycare before he boarded the bus then drove ahead to the school for one more photo op as he got off the bus! It's a bittersweet day for sure!

  3. Way to go BuckARoo! We are super proud for you and know that you did great on your first day!

    The Torres family.

  4. ACK! I should not have read this today! Ella starts kindergarten next Monday and I'm already anxious about the whole thing. I know I will have tears because I'm tearing up reading your post. I cannot believe I have a child old enough to be in school. Oh my. Looks like you guys handled it great! Please say a prayer for me next Monday as I join the ranks. You'll be a professional at sending a kid to school by then. ;)
