06 September 2010

7 years


Happy Anniversary!

{Thanks Mom and Dad for allowing us our travels without children this weekend.  It was a fantastic treat for our anniversary weekend!}

Also, Happy Labor Day to everyone!  Enjoy the beautiful fall-like weather that most of our country is beginning to experience.


  1. Look at you two! Hope y'all have had a fantastic anniversary weekend.

    Gotta say though, it's kinda weird... y'all spending your anniversary weekend in our state and us spending our anniversary in your state. What's that all about?! LOL.

    Let me assure you that we are counting. down. the. days. over here. That would be just 25 days away and we'll be slipping into the Big Easy for some celebrating. We may not return. Who knows!

    Happy Anniversay ;-)

  2. Happy Anniversary! Hope ya'll had a good (secretive?) trip!
