26 October 2010

{built} Home Sweet Home 13.0

That’s right!  You read the post title correctly.  It is no longer building, rather built! 

That is indeed why I haven’t posted to my poor blog is over a month.  I have been living {a busy} life and to be perfectly honest, I haven’t missed my computer one iota.

However, I am back now because Blogher Ads flagged my blog for no recent activity in a month because I have begun to miss blogging and it looks as if the 13th installment in this home building adventure is proving to be lucky #13.  This post post will conclude the adventurous home building endeavour chronicled in pictures here on this blog. 

These pictures were taken just prior to our housewarming party last Saturday night where we hosted 45+ people into the wee hours of the morning.  A good time was had by all and now we can call ourselves settled in our new home and get back to a quieter, more routine routine. 

You will see finished, decorated for Halloween, setup for our party pictures of the boys’ rooms and bathroom and and the living areas (keeping room, kitchen, living room, dining room, butler’s pantry) from several angles.  Guests began to arrive before I took pictures of the master suite or guest quarters…….so sorry. 

Thanks for following along this 6month+ journey in our lives and without further ado……..

 IMG_7895-3 IMG_7896-3 IMG_7898-2  IMG_7904-2IMG_7909-2 IMG_7901-2 IMG_7902-2 IMG_7906-2 IMG_7900-3

{yes, that is a pair of Franko’s socks beneath the coffee table a mere 10 minutes before our guests were to arrive!}



  1. I love it Lori! I am sooo in love with your (I'm assuming) concrete floors and brick walls!!!

  2. I am in love with your new home. It is beautiful.

    I LOVE the boys' quilts..where did you get them?

  3. GORGEOUS! can i come visit? :)

  4. Love it!!! It looks fantastic! I know you are happy to be moved in and settled, what a great feeling. Congratulations!!
