25 April 2011

Movin’ on up…..

to the Eastside

to the 1st grade!

That’s right….this week the boys are out of school for Spring Break, they return following their break for 3 weeks, then school will let out for the summer and Buck-a-roo will officially be going to the 1st grade. 


Looks official, right?!!


In lieu of a cap&gown Kindergarten graduation, Buck-a-roo’s school opts for a casual EndoftheYear Program.  Buck-a-roo had a “speaking part” during the program that he practiced for weeks and nailed that night.


Or so I’m told!  You see when you are an excited parent, you’re so busy videoing the moment (like I was) or photographing the moment (like Dad was) that you miss the actual moment.  Which is exactly why I find myself stepping away from the camera and blog sometimes*

Ahhh, I digress……

He did a fantastic job!!

Before leaving home for the program, I had asked the boys to step outside for a quick picture because they looked so nice!


Buck-a-roo then decided that we needed a mini photoshoot with the entire family, so here you have it…..

…..the star of the night


…..the darling little brother of the star of the night


…..the winking/squinting father with his boys


…..the mother who doesn’t enjoy photographs of herself with her boys


*do note that I actually blogged from the computer with pictures taken with my BIG camera {read: not iphone pics} and then fully edited {note that my watermark still reads 2010 - oops!!}…..that hasn’t happened in quite some time



  1. trust me, no one notices your watermark date! And you should love the pics with those babies, Mom's don't get them enough!

  2. How cute are all of you! You're looking great Lori...and I love the dress :-)

  3. Too CUTE! I love that his school opts for the colorful tees as opposed to the little caps and gowns! It looks so bright and summery! Little boys are adorable and the hubs and I are hoping our little nugget in the oven is a boy. Don't get me wrong, we would LOVE a girl too, but just hoping for a boy!

    Love the blog! :)

  4. awesome! and you look great :)
