22 September 2011

A birthday message


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

19 September 2011

OH! {baby}


Last Sunday we had our friends over to watch the New Orleans Saints game…..


OH! And did I mention that they have a 10 day old {baby}!  10 days old!!


And, yours truly photographed her little naked self during halftime.


Snug as a bug in my green antique rice bin, inspired by this Pinterest pin.


If this doesn’t give you {baby} fever,


I don’t know what would!


18 September 2011

"When I grow up".....

this dress-up day at school gave us.....

an Army soldier and a police officer


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

13 September 2011

a family that runs together


As many of you know, Daddy Buck and I are training to run the Louisiana Half Marathon in January.  We are weeks into our 12-week training program and have 18 weeks until race day. 

As we run, day in and day out, the boys have become very interested, inquisitive, and intrigued by the idea. 


They stretch with us pre-run, they await our arrival, post-run, in the driveway, they question us as to whether we’ll run short or long each day and so I thought why not foster their interests into something more. 

Enter the idea of the Kidz Marathon!  They are both now officially registered and it will be a “race weekend” {our races are on separate days} for our entire family! 


They will train for the upcoming weeks running 0.5 mile runs to log a total of 25.5 miles prior to race day.  On race day, their “marathon”, if you will, will commence with them running their final 0.7 mile leg. 

They are pumped! 

12 September 2011

all good things must come to an end

School is it’s 4th week now, fall-like temperatures have begun to grace us with their presence, and thanks to Tropical Storm Lee we’ve even decorated for Halloween……all good things must come to an end, and summer is officially over.

The fall is historically a busy time of year for us hence the reason I haven’t posted here in a while.  School, football, fall soccer, fairs, festivals, rodeos, CCD…..fall is busy. 

We did manage to squeeze in our 5th and final beach trip of the summer back in August and I wanted to post these pictures.

:boogie boards:




":human hamster balls:


:crystal clear blue waters:






:fun with Dad:


:hermit crabs:


:tuckered out:


We broke our record……

{and since with all of our beach trips this summer, I managed to ruin my favorite camera lens with SAND; I’m still posting iPhone pics}