31 October 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

It has been my goal in the past (and it’s really no secret) to coordinate my children’s Halloween costumes as I’m anal retentive and somewhat controlling like that as they are so close in age and {I} think it’s fun!

I’ve been successful in the past in pulling off a cowboy and an indian, an LSU Tigers football player and a Mike the Tiger mascot, and a poiliceman and a fireman

I knew this year would be a challenge for me to have any say in the boy’s choices for Halloween costumes because…..well, they’re older and they have opinions!! 

Which makes this year’s choices all.  the.  more.  fabulous!!! 




They chose their costume theme! 

All on their own! 

And they coordinated! 

And it is quite possibly their favorite costumes yet* (more on that later). 


So, you’ve heard of the Swamp People…….



I give you……our Troy Landry look-a-like



and…..a gator!

{because, “I don’t just wanna be another person Mom!”}


Don’t choot me Troy!!

These boys were hysterical.  They were proud.  They laughed and fed off each other.  They played their parts to the nth degree.  They were creative.  They adored their costumes and their concept!





And if it wasn’t already wonderful enough, get aload of this…….

Troy Landry look-a-like:

polo type shirt, Target, clearance $3.99

camouflage cap, Walmart $3.00

blue jeans, camo rubber boots, gun accessory, brown eyeliner {mustache}, Sharpie {Choot ‘Em tattoos}, already in our aresenal, FREE



green tee shirt, Walmart, clearance $3.00

alligator (actually dinosaur) hat, Dollar Tree, $1.00

alligator (actually dinosaur) tail, Walmart, $1.99

blue jeans, boots, green camo paint, already in our arsenal, FREE


Grand Total: $13.00

for what is arguably their favorite Halloween costumes to date!*


:we trick-or-treated on Friday night at our local Bass Pro Shop and will trick-or-treat in our neighborhood again tonight:

Happy Halloween!!


  1. I absolutely love it!! My husband would have totally done this with my 6 year old. Super creative.
