15 November 2011

Fall Family Pictures

We were fortunate enough recently to have family pictures taken again by our friend and photographer, Matt Torres.  He was also the man behind the camera here last Spring.

Here are a few of my favorites……

_MG_9242 _MG_9255_MG_9347 _MG_9282_MG_9273-2  _MG_9325

You can see Matt’s sneak peek here at his photography blog.

Now excuse me while I stress over the decisions of our family Christmas card for the next week or so…….


  1. Hi! I'm new to your blog! I'm enjoying it already! (Hoping you can follow my blog back as well)

    Those family pictures are all so wonderful! You have a beautiful family!!

  2. Hi! I'm new to your blog and I'm enjoying it already! (Hoping you can follow my blog back too!) Enjoying all your pictures! They're great.

    These are great family pictures as well. You have a beautiful family. And I love the name of your blog, LOL.

    Good luck picking out the winner for your Christmas cards!
