05 January 2009

Fond Memories

While Daddy Buck was hunting this past weekend, the boys and I went to Alexandria (my hometown) for a visit. We had a terrific time visiting family and friends and I had time to reflect on the idea that my boys are experiencing family, playing in the houses of my parents and grandparents, eating at restaurants that I have frequented my entire life, playing at parks that I played at as a kid, even playing with many of the very same toys that I did as a youngster.....it is so very cool how life has come full circle.

Allow me to explain, with some pictures, just what I mean....

Buck-a-roo and Frank-o built these two masterpieces with Popoids at my parent's house....the very same set of Popoids that my brother and I played with during their craze in the '80s.

Buck-a-roo and Frank-o played with sticks and swung in my parent's backyard....on the very same swing that my family has swung on while barbequeing for the past 20+ years.

Buck-a-roo and Frank-o wrestled and posed for pictures on my Meme's living room sofa....the very same sofa that my Meme taught me to play Battle, Solitaire, and Go Fish.

Buck-a-roo and Frank-o had Saturday lunch at the breakfast room table at my Paw-Paw and Maw-Maw's house....the very same table where I sat on a pot for a booster seat and received many a cooking lesson while sipping a large glass of iced sweet tea.

Buck-a-roo and Frank-o frolicked in my grandparents' backyard and learned all about my grandfather's garden.....the very same backyard and garden that I spent many an afternoon digging potatoes, picking okra, and learning an appreciation for home-grown vegetables.

And, this year especially, a mighty fine garden it is. So enjoy a few extra pictures as I practiced some still-life photography:

broccoli row

green onion row

heads of cabbage

bloom on the lemon tree

unripe bunch of lemons
When I left for college almost ten years ago, it almost seemed "uncool" to go home on the weekends. Now it is marvelous to return home and allow my children the experiences that have left me with so, so, so many fond memories.


Kristan said...

That was a very sweet post!! Makes me homesick!! I am too enjoying this stage of coming full circle with my girls as well! Isn't it neat! I miss my family a lot, but soon I will be living with my mom for a couple months while we look for a house.....pray.for.me.PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Nice memories. I agree it is very cool to "go home" now. Wish we got to do it more often, sorry we're not there now.

Tim said...

That is so awesome. I cant imagine how neat it would be for me to have my kids experience that. However, I grew up in another town that is about 10 hours away. I also havent been there since 1979 so it would be quite a bit foriegn to me anyway.

Great shots of the plants by the way, especially on what looked to be an overcast day.

Tiffany said...

Your little guys are just so stinkin cute!!! Great pics of the outdoors, too! BEAUtiful!


Lori said...

I had Popoids...in the 80s. Forgot all about them until I saw those photos..